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Back Pain

Dysfunctional breathing is a very common yet often overlooked issue that can significantly impact our overall well-being, particularly when it comes to back pain. In this blog post, we'll explore dysfunctional breathing, its relationship to ongoing back pain and introduce so...
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Athletic performance in golf seems to get little consideration outside of the professional game. You wouldn’t play rugby or cricket without training to improve athletic performance, so why do people do so with golf? All too often the only warm up a golfer will do before th...
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The Alexander Technique helps you to find the natural balance of your body to move well and avoid injury. Suryagita, our certified Alexander Technique teacher who also specialises in voice coaching, will help you to ease tension and improve postural patterns which ...
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STRESS - THE OMNIPRESENT BANE OF OUR EXISTENCE. ​​ Most people would say they have it, though not everybody realises how much it affects their life. This article will cover some of the physical aspects of stress, how it affects our body and mind and what you ca...
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Did you know that 60-80% of the general population will suffer back pain at some time in their lives? The incidence is highest in the 45-54 years old age group.  Would you like to know more about the causes of back pain? Things that contribute to the likelihood of back ...
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1.      The bones of the spine are called vertebra, which comes from a Latin word meaning ‘to turn’.  The spine is so flexible that if it were removed from the body and bent, it could form two-thirds of a perfect circle!  Osteopaths are...
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What is sciatica? You’ve probably heard people saying they have sciatica – and if you’ve had back pain, you might have even wondered if you’ve got it yourself. Sciatica is a commonly used (and occasionally abused) term - but what does it actually mean? The sciat...
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