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Acupuncture during the stimulation phase of IVF can lead to success.A female patient very much wanting to get pregnant, presented with a history of two consecutive 'failed to respond to stimulation' IVF cycles. This meant that no eggs were able to be collected from the ovary...
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Acupuncture can be an excellent treatment choice for that annoyingly persistent GanglionWe use a unique treatment technique in acupuncture called ‘Surround the Dragon’ to treat ganglion cysts (this essentially is surrounding the cyst itself). By doing this, blood flow is...
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ACUPUNCTURE IN WELLINGTON FOR PREGNANCY, BREECH BABIES, BIRTH PREPARATION, MASTITIS AND POSTNATAL DEPRESSIONAt City Osteopaths in Wellington, our acupuncturists train for four years full time to receive a Bachelor of Science degree and have many years of experience in treati...
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ACUPUNCTURE IS AVAILABLE IN WELLINGTON FOR COPING WITH STRESSFUL TIMES, ESPECIALLY EARTHQUAKES OR NATURAL DISASTERS(Written 2016)In light of recent events, I thought I would shed light on the ways Acupuncture can offer trauma support and more specifically, focus on post-Eart...
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What to do if you have long covid and how to recoverLONG COVID SYMPTOMS CAN VARY DEPENDING ON THE PERSON AND THEIR IMMUNE SYSTEM.​ But most sufferers describe feeling overtired and generally unwell. You may also have a combination of: Lack of concentrationHeadachesSti...
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OOS/ Occupation Overuse Syndrome or RSI/Repetitive Strain Injury seem to be one of the plagues of the 21st century; with office workers spending even more time behind desks, computer screens, in office chairs and utilising a mouse. Studies show we are spending up to 8 hours ...
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Like anything, if you give yourself enough time to do a spot of Internet exploring you’re going to find something that will deter you from trying acupuncture. The truth being, people react differently to their various experiences in life; while some might love one restaura...
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Athletes and sports people alike can benefit from what Acupuncture has to offer them while they are training; emphasis is directed on receiving treatment before they are injured! Reduce swelling, improve mobility, and strengthen tendons and ligaments. It will not only physic...
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