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Treatment for Pregnancy

Osteopathic treatment for pregnancy and birth, and Pregnancy research 

At City Osteopaths, all our Osteopaths are Registered with the Osteopathic Council of New Zealand and four of us are trained to assess and treat pregnant women. This includes specific medical history considerations, treatment positioning for comfort and the most helpful, gentle treatment approaches to ease pregnancy pains and prepare for birth.  

We can usually help reduce or eliminate back pain, neck pain, pelvic pain, headaches, sinus, rib pain and/or reflux during any stage of pregnancy. Working in with our pregnancy acupuncturist Kirsten Rodgers, we are able to help prepare women for labour and give space to babies who are breech which may enable them to turn head downwards naturally for successful labour.  

We highly recommend all women make an appointment to get a one-hour pre-labour back and pelvic check and treatment at around 35 weeks pregnancy. At this initial appointment we take a thorough medical history, do a physical and osteopathic examination so we can assess and assist your back, pelvic joints and associated soft tissues (muscles and fascia) to be as well organised and balanced as possible for a successful labour.   

At City Osteopaths, we have helped hundreds of women have a successful birth with minimal or no medical intervention.  

At around two weeks post birth we recommend you come in with your baby for a check-up.   

Over the years we have found all women need their pelvis to be rebalanced due to the forces involved in being pregnant and birthing a baby. (Either through the birth canal or a caesarean section). Also, if there is ongoing discomfort, we are able to gently treat the site of an epidural injection and ease the pain away.  

We also are able to give post-pregnancy advice for your best recovery including a planned return to exercise safely post-birth. 

Research to show that Osteopathic manipulative treatment slows or halts the deterioration of back functioning in pregnancy:

This is a permanent link to Anna Kurth's Osteopathic treatment in Pregnancy research. 

It is becoming increasingly common for women to seek complementary and alternative therapies for the alleviation of common complaints associated with pregnancy (Adams et al., 2009).

These complaints can severely impact women’s quality of life and in some cases affect their pregnancy and childbirth experience (Borggren, 2007; Olsson & Nilsson-Wikmar, 2004).

Alongside this, anecdotal claims have been made that osteopathic treatment can decrease

labour duration by ensuring that biomechanically, the pelvis is working effectively and is therefore, more able to comply with the added demands of pregnancy and the infant’s descent (Borggren, 2007; King et al., 2003). This is thought to play a role in decreasing the need for interventions such as forceps and ventouse extraction. Identifying the attitudes and experiences of women who have experienced osteopathy during pregnancy will offer further information regarding the role osteopathic care played in their pregnancy and birth experience. Research into the effects of osteopathic treatment for this sector of the population is limited and it is hoped that by gaining insight into the attitudes and experiences of the women, valuable information will be added to current literature, providing a research base on which further studies may be conducted. ​